From Invisibility Cloaks to MESA Radar

Echodyne’s proprietary metamaterials electronically scanned array (MESA) is a rare technology breakthrough in radar design and manufacturing. Echodyne CTO and Co-Founder Tom Driscoll got the chance to sit down with John McHale, Military Embedded Systems Editorial Director and host of The McHale Report Podcast, to discuss the evolution of radar technology and how metamaterials have been at the forefront.

This conversation came after John visited Echodyne’s booth at Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) in London back in September and afforded the two an opportunity to dive deeper into the technology behind Echodyne’s radar systems.

From his tenure as a Visiting Research Scientist at Duke University in the Center for Metamaterials and Integrated Photonics to spearheading the technological roadmap of Echodyne today, Tom discussed his expansive career working in metamaterial innovation.

John and Tom also discussed the impetus for starting Echodyne, the company’s success in developing a cost-effective, commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) alternative to expensive AESA radars, and various use cases of radar technology.

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Metamaterials radar systems, COTS components, and RF invisibility cloaks

The McHale Report Podcast, Spotify

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