3D Security Radar

High-Performance Perimeter Protection

Critical infrastructure faces a battery of threats - intrusions on the ground and in the air. The Department of Homeland Security has shared elevated concern for site security at energy generation and transmission, nuclear, water storage and treatment, and oil and gas production and distribution facilities as well as airports and ports.

As the modern threat landscape evolves, new tools are needed to enhance situational awareness of the ground and air at these facilities.

Securing critical infrastructure sites with three-dimensional (3D) security radar has never been more important. Monitor both the ground and the air and receive actionable, high-fidelity data to support informed decision making. Radar provides insight when time is on your side and threats are at a distance.


3D security radar tracking multiple targets on ground and in the air

Comprehensive Situational Awareness

Echodyne 3D radar solutions detect everything moving on the ground and in the air, regardless of weather or lighting conditions. 

For sites that have an existing ground coverage solution, Echodyne radar is an excellent option for secondary surveillance air coverage. And if you are considering incorporating radar for the first time, it is a good idea to choose 3D security radar with Doppler capability, also known as 4D radar, for full ground and air detect, track, and classify capabilities.

When defending against security threats approaching on the ground or in the air, accuracy matters. Highest performing and most accurate in their weight-class, Echodyne metamaterials electronically scanned array (MESA) radars are the data-driver for greater situational awareness. With greater situational awareness, critical infrastructure teams can make more informed decisions including efficiently engaging with and informing law enforcement for tactical support.

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Get More From Your Sensor Stack

Echodyne radar uses industry-standard power and data interfaces. The radar integrates easily into existing C2 or VMS to support sensor fusion. Plus, radar broadens threat detection capabilities when added to a freestanding drone detection system. The compact, solid-state form factor has no moving parts, is weather resistant at extreme temperatures, and is up and running with a single cable.  


Industry Partners

Radar Solutions for 3D Security


Short-Range 3D Security Radar

Suited for most critical infrastructure 3D air and ground surveillance needs, EchoGuard is the short-range market leader for portability and performance. EchoGuard detects and tracks drones, vehicles, and humans with the accuracy that locks optical, informs the operator, and targets mitigation efforts.


EchoGuard for 3d security


Medium-Range 3D Security Radar

EchoShield detects, tracks and classifies drones, vehicles and humans and provides the most accurate and detailed situational awareness data in the industry. EchoShield closes security gaps, identifying threats sooner and giving teams more time to respond.


EchoShield for 3D Security

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