Evolving CUAS strategies for defence vehicles: layers, mobility and COTS

GM Defense Concept Vehicle with CUAS Radar

How is the changing threat landscape influencing Defence organizations to create a more efficient and safer battlefield?

In the article "Evolving cUAS Strategies for Defence Vehicles," we are reminded that the decline in conventional Defence procurement has led to a fundamental shift in thinking, and a move toward a layered and adaptable fixed/on-the-move (OTM) strategy. This approach recognizes that relying on a single line of defence is insufficient in the face of multi-domain and multifaceted threats. Instead, multiple layers of security measures are strategically deployed to create a formidable and resilient posture. 

Particularly, the integration of commercial off the shelf (COTS) technology into defence systems represents an opportunity for military organizations to create efficiencies in technology acquisition and fielded operation. 

In addition to filling security gaps, organizations realize multiple benefits to this approach:


  • Mobility
  • Cost Savings
  • Attritable
  • Technology Innovation
  • Interoperability
  • Reducing Maintenance Burden
  • Reducing Development Risk
  • Scalability
Interested in learning more? Read the full article on the Military Vehicle Systems' website: Volume 2 | Echodyne | Evolving CUAS strategies for defence vehicles: layers, mobility and COTS (militaryvehiclesystems.com)


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