Metamaterials Highlighted in Military Embedded Systems Magazine

January / February 2024 Print Issue

metamaterials electronically scanned array (MESA) technology

What do metamaterials, invisibility cloaks, and counter-UAS all have in common? They are topics covered in Echodyne CTO and co-founder Tom Driscoll’s recent executive interview with John McHale of Military Embedded Systems. 

Tom, featured on the cover of the January / February print edition of the publication, sat down with John McHale to talk about the exciting field of metamaterials and his background in this new physics field. He even dives into that time when he was inspired to design an RF invisibility cloak. 

He also gets a chance to share the inception story of Echodyne and what the future holds for the company’s proprietary, commercial-off-the-shelf metamaterial electronically-scanning array (MESA) radars. 

From the critical infrastructure protection market’s need for an alternative to expensive AESA radar to the ever-growing need for ultra-low SWaP, high-performance radar for crucial military applications, the interview provides a great overview of where the industry stands today and how MESA radar will remain a key component to delivering true situational awareness. 

Read the full article in the online version of Military Embedded Systems here: 

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